Monumental Inscriptions
How you can help
If you have viewed our Monumental Inscriptions progress map, you will see how many church graveyards the Society has transcribed and how much is yet to be done.
If any member or group is thinking of transcribing a graveyard or knows of a group that may be thinking of transcribing a graveyard, the Society can be of help with practical advice and assistance. Please tell us about it. If we know that a graveyard is being worked on, this will help us to update our map. The Society tries to keep in contact with transcribers. We don't want people working on a graveyard that, unknown to them, may be already done or is being worked on.
Graveyards may only be transcribed after obtaining permission from the Churchwardens. It is important to do so.
For further information and advice contact our Projects Co-ordinator, Mr. John Pearson, whose address is printed in the Society's journal "Hertfordshire People".